Specialists /

Alim Devani

Dr. Alim Devani
Alim Devani


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Dr. Alim R. Devani, MD, FRCPC completed his dermatology residency at the University of Alberta, earning certification in both Canada and the United States in 2012. He has received 5 major awards; authored 1 textbook chapter; published numerous peer-reviewed manuscripts in print or electronic format; and presented at numerous scientific meetings regionally and nationally. Dr. Devani currently practices at the Skin Health and Wellness Centre and the Dermatology Research Institute. He also conducts clinical trials for both adults and children and has been involved in over 100 dermatology studies to date. Additionally, Dr. Devani has started several subspecialty initiatives, including skin cancer surveillance clinic, rapid access skin cancer clinic, rapid access psoriasis and rapid access eczema clinics in Calgary.

I can help with:

Average decrease in Specialist wait times of 51%
Over 7,200 eConsults sent
70% of patients were not sent directly to the specialist 

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