Specialists /

Hoorsheed Heydari

Dr. Hoorsheed Heydari
Hoorsheed Heydari


Primary Specialty:
Female Health
Other Specialties:
No items found.

Dr. Heydari earned her Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Alberta before completing her residency in Family Medicine in Calgary. She currently holds the role of Clinical Lecturer in the Department of Family Medicine and is a certified Menopause Practitioner (MSCP, formerly NCMP). She is also a member of the North American Menopause Society.

Dr. Heydari has focused her practice on Women's Health, with a particular emphasis on Menopause management at Maud Medical Clinic. She will be responding to perimenopause/menopause consult requests.

I can help with:

Menopausal symptoms, Hormonal therapy for menopause

Average decrease in Specialist wait times of 51%
Over 7,200 eConsults sent
70% of patients were not sent directly to the specialist 

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