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Healthcare Systems

Healthcare Systems

Enhance collaboration, improve triage processes, and intervene earlier in the patient care journey.

Improves Collaboration Between Family Physicians and Specialists
Increases Efficiency Through Streamlined Processes
Saves Money and Time by Reducing the Amount of Unnecessary Referrals
Improves Patient Satisfaction and Health Outcomes Through Early Detection and Rapid Intervention

Reduce wait times and treat urgent cases faster

Using Alethea, Specialists can help Family Physicians treat more patients at the primary care level. Collaboration between Family Physicians and Specialists allows Family Physicians to ask for advice, order appropriate tests, and treat their patients faster and more effectively.

eConsults sent through Alethea include structured patient information and additional images that Specialists can use to improve triage processes.

Specialists can avoid unnecessary in-person referrals, intervene earlier in the patient care cycle, and see more urgent cases sooner. 

How it works:


Use the camera on the mobile app or online portal to capture images and access our AI decision support tools.


Effortlessly send an eConsult advice request to one of our specialist consultants and receive advice within 24-48 hours.


Communicate securely with Patients and Specialist Consultants on an ongoing basis regarding next steps in the treatment pathway.

Doctor Headshot
Dr. Baret
Family Physician
“Looking for your opinion if this condition needs a specialist follow up”
Doctor Headshot
Dr. Jacobs
ENT Specialist
“This is a normal otoscopic examination. This patient needs a hearing test and analgesia. There is no evidence of otitis media.”
Average decrease in Specialist wait times of 51%
Over 7,200 eConsults sent
70% of patients were not sent directly to the specialist 

Are you ready to send an eConsult through Alethea? 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Alethea?

Alethea is easy to use and you can get started right away. Alethea has gone above and beyond to ensure communications are fast, integrated, and reliable, without sacrificing security. With Alethea, you can receive quick, 24 hour advice knowing that your eConsults are secure, and you will not need to use external channels to share patient information.

Is Alethea privacy compliant?

Verbal consent to take an image and send it through an eConsult is all that is required (just like obtaining verbal consent for a traditional referral). Alethea maintains PIPA compliance.

Is this platform Health Canada approved?

Yes, our digital otoscope is an approved Class I medical device. The artificial intelligence is currently for educational use only, with a submission in progress as a Class II Software as a Medical Device (SaMD).

Has Alethea submitted a PIA?

Yes, we have a PIA that has been submitted to the OIPC. We can provide our physicians with details pertaining to the amendment recommended for their clinic PIAs upon enrolment into our platform.

Is the Alethea AI database a privacy concern for patients?

No, all images that are collected and stored in our AI database are stripped of any patient data or identifying factors. The CPSA have approved the use of images in this context.

Does Alethea operate across Canada?

Alethea currently operates within Alberta, and has launched a pilot in British Columbia. Our full platform will be available for all Family Physicians and Specialists in British Columbia soon.

Can the platform be adjusted to the specific needs of a healthcare provider?

Alethea can quickly customize and develop integrations with other ecosystems when needed.

What are system wide savings that can be expected?

Using Alethea, only 30% of patients required an in-person consultation with a Specialist. Based on our results so far, over time this will result in system wide cost savings and decreased Specialist wait times.