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Jacqueline Jenkins (LyfeMD)

Dr. Jacqueline Jenkins (LyfeMD)
Jacqueline Jenkins (LyfeMD)


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Jacqueline grew up on the east coast in Halifax and Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, where her love for the outdoors and interest in medicine began.

She graduated from Bishop’s University, with a BSc in Biology and Neuroscience with Honors, and was awarded the female athlete “Rookie of the Year” for downhill ski racing and rugby.  After some work experience, and travel and work abroad, she completed a Masters of Kinesiology at Dalhousie University and joined the workforce again, before making the decision to go into medicine. She graduated from the University of Saskatchewan in Family Medicine in 2013 and then moved to Calgary.

She is a dedicated physician who has embarked on a journey in medicine driven by her profound love for learning, personal growth, and a passion for helping others in their pursuit of health and happiness.

Jacqueline has a keen interest in preventative health, lifestyle and integrative medicine, treating the whole person to find the underlying factors causing symptoms. She continues to work at Urgent Care since 2013, and practices family medicine, executive medicine and preventative health assessments, and detailed health plans for patients looking to optimize their present and future health.

Outside of work, she is a single mother to two young boys and a rescue dog, and thrives in the great outdoors with her love for mountain biking, hiking and skiing, finding rejuvenation amidst nature's beauty.

Dr. Jacqueline Jenkins will respond to advice requests pertaining to IBS patients and the LyfeMD program.

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Average decrease in Specialist wait times of 51%
Over 7,200 eConsults sent
70% of patients were not sent directly to the specialist 

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