Specialists /

Olesia Markevych

Dr. Olesia Markevych
Olesia Markevych

MD, CCFP (SEM), Dip Sport Med

Primary Specialty:
Sport Medicine
Other Specialties:
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Dr. Markevych is a sport medicine physician at the Glen Sather Sport Medicine Clinic. Her practice includes working with recreational through elite athletes of all ages. Her scope of practice includes acute and chronic musculoskeletal injuries, concussion management, sport related medical issues (such as relative energy deficiency syndrome), exercise advice, and injury prevention.

In addition, Dr. Markevych is interested in patient education, and has helped to develop an education session for patients with osteoarthritis called COMET (Comprehensive Osteoarthritis Management, Education and Treatment) available virtually through the Glen Sather Clinic. Dr. Markevych has supported Canadian athletes at Commonwealth and FISU games, as well as with Skate Canada and Canada Basketball. She also works with varsity athletes at MacEwan University. She supports activity at all levels and all ages.

Clinic: Glen Sather Sport Medicine Clinic

Phone Number: (780) 407-5160

Fax Number: (780) 407-5667

I can help with:

  • Concussion Care / Management
  • Physiotherapy Advice
  • Imaging Advice
  • Osteoarthritis Management
  • Injury Diagnosis and Management
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