Specialists /

Owl Pod Virtual Mental Health Clinic

Dr. Owl Pod Virtual Mental Health Clinic
Owl Pod Virtual Mental Health Clinic

Primary Specialty:
Mental Health
Other Specialties:
No items found.

Owl Pod is a free-for-patients, virtual mental health clinic based in Alberta. Services provided through Owl Pod are provided at no cost to Albertans in any rural area or urban centre.

The Owl Pod Team consists of 42 Family Medicine Doctors and 3 Psychiatrists​​ who will respond to Mental Health eConsults through the Alethea platform.

The team at Owl Pod specializes in obesity management and psychotherapy. Owl Pod will provide motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral, and feelings based therapy for anxiety, depression, grief, loneliness, stress, and obesity

I can help with:

Average decrease in Specialist wait times of 51%
Over 7,200 eConsults sent
70% of patients were not sent directly to the specialist 

Are you ready to send an eConsult through Alethea?