Specialists /

Trevor Day

Dr. Trevor Day
Trevor Day


Primary Specialty:
Sexual Health
Other Specialties:
No items found.

Dr. Trevor Day is a Family Physician practicing in Edmonton, Alberta. He has an interest in helping under-served populations, including those from LGBTQ2+ communities.

Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) offers a safe and highly effective means of preventing HIV in at-risk individuals, but access can be challenging. Furthermore, not all eligible patients can access publicly funded PrEP prescriptions, as prescribers must undergo specific training to secure funding. There are many private clinics in Alberta that provide PrEP, although the continuity of information can be poor, and many Family Doctors are not even aware their patients are accessing these services.

Dr. Trevor Day has gone through the training required by Alberta Health Services and is a Designated PrEP Prescriber in the province of Alberta. He can help your eligible patients access PrEP, while also keeping the patient in your Medical Home.

I can help with:

  • Patient eligibility for PrEP
  • Information regarding available forms of PrEP
  • Care advice for patients on PrEP
Average decrease in Specialist wait times of 51%
Over 7,200 eConsults sent
70% of patients were not sent directly to the specialist 

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