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Alethea Monthly Update Notes

Alethea Monthly Update Notes

Below you will find information regarding our newest features.

You now have the ability to add additional clinics in your Alethea profile. This may be helpful if you are working at multiple clinics and would like to be able to send eConsults from any of them.

To add or edit a clinic in your profile, click on your name on the left menu bar.

Menu Bar-3

Once your profile is open, you will see your clinics listed on the right. Here you can edit the details of the clinics you have on file, and also add new clinics by clicking the "Add Clinic" button:

Add clinic button

You can also click the "Default Clinic" check box to set one clinic as your primary clinic:

Default Clinic

When you select a default clinic, this clinic name will appear at the top of your clinics drop down menu when you go to send a new eConsult. It will be the default clinic your eConsults are sent from if you do not select one of your other clinics:

Clinic Drop Down

If you need to remove a clinic from your profile, please contact and a member of our team will complete this for you.

We hope you will find this new feature helpful and easy to use. If you have any feedback, questions, or concerns, please let us know!