Aleteha resources

Learn about eConsults, AI, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Alethea?

Alethea is easy to use and you can get started right away. Alethea has gone above and beyond to ensure communications are fast, integrated, and reliable, without sacrificing security. With Alethea, you can receive quick, 24 hour advice knowing that your eConsults are secure, and you will not need to use external channels to share patient information.

Does Alethea work in my province?

Alethea currently operates within Alberta, and has launched a pilot in British Columbia. Our full platform will be available for all Family Physicians and Specialist in British Columbia soon.

What will you review in the product demo?

A member of our team will show you how the mobile app and online portal work together to collect digital information, send eConsults, and communicate securely with both Physicians and Patients.

How long does a demo take?

Generally, a demo will take 15 - 30 minutes depending on how many questions you have.

Is communication secure with Alethea?

Alethea is a hyper customer focused company. The design of our platform is based on the actual needs of Family Physicians. Our goal is to make Family Physicians lives easier, not to introduce more 'make work'. Our platform can be used during patient consults or after hours depending on the specific workflow of the Family Physician.

Is Alethea superior to other eConsult or advice platforms?

Alethea is helpful to many Family Physicians because it is fast and easy to use, taking only 1-2 minutes for most Physicians to complete a consult. We have developed workflow integrations to save you time, and help you more easily document eConsults. Communication through the platform is privacy compliant, and secure. Alethea is a growing company, so your feedback and recommendations will immediately be taken back to our development team to help improve the platform.

I am a Specialist and I want to join

Please contact us directly at so we can learn more about you and your practice. We are actively recruiting consultants for new specialist areas, and new geographic regions.

How much does this service cost?

Alethea offers different pricing plans to ensure you find the best fit for your practice. Alethea eConsult is the most basic, and completely free version of our platform. Using Alethea Plus, Family Physicians and Nurse Practitioners can send eConsults and use our proprietary digital otoscope with an Android phone, desktop computer, or laptop at no cost.

Alethea Plus Allows Family Physicians to quickly send eConsults while generating additional revenue through automated billing, and secure patient communications. Physicians also receive a complimentary digital otoscope. Alethea will keep track of all billable activities on the portal and submit them to AH, keeping a small percentage as an administration fee. We issue payment directly to referring physicians and specialists on a monthly basis. Please refer to province specific pages for a more detailed breakdown of billable activities.

You can find more information at

Is Alethea privacy compliant?

Verbal consent to take an image and send it through an eConsult is all that is required (just like obtaining verbal consent for a traditional referral). Alethea maintains PIPA compliance.

Is this platform Health Canada approved?

Yes, our digital otoscope is an approved Class I medical device. The artificial intelligence is currently for educational use only, with a submission in progress as a Class II Software as a Medical Device (SaMD).

Has Alethea submitted a PIA?

Yes, we have a PIA that has been submitted to the OIPC. We can provide our physicians with details pertaining to the amendment recommended for their clinic PIAs upon enrolment into our platform.

Is the Alethea AI database a privacy concern for patients?

No, all images that are collected and stored in our AI database are stripped of any patient data or identifying factors. The CPSA have approved the use of images in this context.

We are getting paid to do eConsults - is this a conflict of interest?

There is no conflict of interest to worry about with using the platform. While Alethea Plus users are being reimbursed through Alethea Medical, we bill AH on behalf of all our physicians according to AH eConsult billing codes and guidelines. Certainly, there is an additional financial incentive to using the platform, one which AH put in place to represent the value that these types of tools yield for physicians and patients. We manage the billing for Alethea Plus users so we can provide the hardware for free, and facilitate access to care without creating prohibitive financial barriers for clinics.

Does Alethea operate across Canada?

Alethea currently operates within Alberta, and has launched a pilot in British Columbia. Our full platform will be available for all Family Physicians and Specialists in British Columbia soon.

Is it possible to integrate Alethea into my EMR?

Currently we offer an integration with AVA. We are planning more integrations in the future.

AI Digital Diagnostics

Learn how Alethea is using AI to improve access to Specialized care

Average decrease in Specialist wait times of 51%
Over 7,200 eConsults sent
70% of patients were not sent directly to the specialist 

Are you ready to send an eConsult through Alethea?